RPAS stands for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, which in Spanish translates to “Sistemas de Aeronaves Pilotadas a Distancia”. They are also known as drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
RPAS are aircrafts that fly without an onboard pilot and are controlled remotely from a ground station or can fly autonomously using preprogrammed navigation and control systems. These aircrafts can vary in size, from small drones used for recreation and aerial photography to larger and more sophisticated systems used for military applications, industrial inspections, surveillance, cartographic mapping, precision agriculture, and many other uses.
Some RPAS are equipped with cameras, sensors, and other devices that enable them to perform various tasks, such as capturing images and videos, collecting data, monitoring specific areas, and transporting light cargo. Their use has become widespread in recent years due to their versatility, ease of operation, and lower cost compared to traditional manned aircraft.
Drones have proven to be so versatile that in recent years they have been used to create stunning LED light shows in the night sky, just as we do in Space Drone Show®ï¸ÂÂÂÂÂÂ. This technological advancement has led to a new and captivating form of entertainment, where multiple synchronized drones perform luminous choreographies in the air. These shows have become a powerful tool for recreational events, advertising, and brand positioning. Witnessing the dance of illuminated drones in the dark sky is a truly impactful experience that combines visual beauty with technological innovation.
However, it is important to highlight that RPAS also pose challenges in terms of safety, privacy, and regulation. Therefore, many countries have established regulations and restrictions for their operation, requiring operators to comply with specific requirements and obtain licenses or permits before using them commercially.
In Mexico, the AFAC (Federal Civil Aviation Agency) sets the requirements for operating a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) to ensure safety, protect privacy, prevent malicious use, and maintain order in the airspace.
These regulations aim to balance the benefits and opportunities that drones offer with the risks and challenges associated with their use. As technology continues to evolve, RPAS will continue to play a key role in the current and future outlook, providing significant benefits to various industries and offering even more exciting potential to be discovered.